Hello Everyone!
I know that I said that I would try to post a recipe this weekend, but I got caught up in a project. Unlike many people who have spent the pandemic being creative and productive, I have spent most of my time working looooooong hours trying to keep the theatre that I work for operational during a time when a live theatre can't do live performances. (Can anyone say virtual performances and Zoom Meetings?) So, when I wasn't working, I spent my time face down in my pillow. My craft room became a storage room. My guest room became the most unorganized closet you have ever seen as I just piled things on the bed.
It was disheartening.
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Alberto Vargas 1920. I chose this picture because of the vase. And because she looks a little down or pensive. |
Then my husband gave me a piece of advice to try and it started to turn my attitude around. He told me "Just do one thing. It doesn't matter how small it is. If you get one thing done, that one thing is done and you have accomplished something."
At first I thought that he was crazy. Could he not see the mountain of things that needed to be done in our house? There were rooms that needed to be reclaimed. (Pretty much all of them but the living room and kitchen.) Crafts that needed to get done that were just piling up everywhere. Mending to be mended. Piles of laundry to be cleaned. And much, much more...... I needed to make lists of what needed to be done! Then, from there, I had to figure out what was most important and do that first. But it was all so overwhelming. Some things were equally important. And the important things weren't the fun things that I would rather be doing if I got the energy. So instead of doing anything, I did nothing and got more and more unsettled as my life around me seemed to be slowly degenerating into messy chaos.
With something that sort of resembled panic, I thought that I would try my husband's advice. I mean, it couldn't hurt anything. More importantly, he didn't CARE what my one thing I got done was. Did I do a load of laundry? Great! Did I make a craft project that I wanted to make? Well, that was fine too. Did I just clear off a table in one of the rooms that needed reclaimed? Wonderful! I got one thing done. And then something amazing happened. As I started to do "just one thing" I found myself doing one small thing, And then moving on to another small thing. And then another. Until I was actually tackling big things again.
And they weren't all things that I felt I should do. In fact, the first thing "one thing" that I decided to start was the first step in a sewing project that I wanted to do. I have wanted to learn to sew from a pattern for ages. But they always seemed like Greek when I read the instructions and I never had the time to get together with my friends who sew so they could teach me to read the pattern. Even though several of them were willing to do so. I watched YouTube videos on how to sew the way other people watched Grey's Anatomy. Relentlessly - over and over. I had the basics of sewing - my grandmother had taught me that. I knew to backstitch to secure my stitch. I knew to follow the lines on the guiding plate of my sewing machine to sew a straight line. I had made pillows and curtains. Just not an article of clothing.
Then the pandemic hit and Gertie from Charm patterns started putting out daily videos. And then she put out a free pattern to make Harlow Pajamas.
Vintage inspired lounge wear for people who were staying mostly in their houses. And the pattern was appropriate for beginning sewers. But most importantly? She put out a video on YouTube that STEP BY STEP walked you through how to make the pajamas. From laying out the pattern on your fabric to the final stitch. It was like having my own beginners sewing class! And if now wasn't the perfect time to be alone in your home teaching yourself a new skill, then I didn't know when would be a better time.
So I downloaded the pattern. Which I guess is technically a "one thing". But my first "one thing" in my eyes was to put the pieces I had printed together to make a pattern. I sat on my floor - because I didn't have a table big enough-- and I cut and taped for hours.
This is me putting the pattern together. As you can see, the pets were very helpful. |
The pattern ready to become a garment. |
It wasn't something practical, like laundry, but it was "one thing" done and I was proud and happy. And inspired to move on to the next step the following weekend. I had decided the next "one thing" was going to be laying out the pieces on the fabric and cutting them out. With YouTube tutorial on my laptop, I ventured forth to sew.
And I did it!!! It took me three total weekends because I was only doing a little at a time, but it was done. And I felt amazing.
And after that it was like I was on a roll. I started doing "just one thing" a day. Sometimes I would just sew on a button for Mending Mondays. Sometimes I would work on a craft project. Or start reading a book that I put aside. And slowly, my just one things, started looking like completed big things.
And one of these big things made of "just one little things" was what I was wrapping up this weekend.
Before the pandemic, I had started redesigning my guest room because I HATED it. I had the idea that I was going to have rose gold/pale copper walls as accent walls and instead, it just looked like..... well my husband and I called it baby puke orange.
It wasn't a bad room. (In fact some of you may remember me showing you the decorations for this room years ago.)
It just was one that hadn't turned out the way that I wanted it to and it never felt right. My husband and I would joke that it didn't have any feng shui (We don't know feng shui, we just knew the room wasn't working.) Plus, going in it made me sad because it was the room my dad stayed in to visit me right before he passed away. Memories were great, but wanting to cry every time I went in - even after two years- was getting to be a bit much. So I had decided I needed a change.
To start off (again pre-pandemic and before I started doing things "one thing" a day), I decided the orange had to go and the layout needed to change. (I had firmly decided the bed needed to go under the window instead of at right angles to the widow and that the tall dresser needed to be moved out of the closet because I needed the closet to hold my fall/winter wardrobe.) I also have always wanted vintage Hollywood glam mirror furniture, so I thought I would do some research and see if I could make that happen. AND, I am the Frugal Femme here, I wanted to change the whole room for $200 or less.
And I got sooooooooooo far before the pandemic hit. I really did.
First I replaced the ceiling fan with a chandelier - which was purchased for $25. (I say I replaced it. This was actually done by my husband as he does all the electrical stuff in our house.)
Here, as you can see, I have moved the bed, and piled it high with clothing and items that needed to be put in the room, but the wall is still orange.Then it was time to try to turn the golden brown furniture you see above into the inspiration furniture pictured below. I already had the paint for this because I had purchased it years earlier to do the trim in the bedroom so my bedroom looked more like Dita von Teese's. This was yet another project I had not got around to doing yet, but I had the paint and thought that I would use it.
The mirror came out of the main bathroom when we first moved into the house. It was too big for what we had in mind for the bathroom, but it seemed a shame to throw away a perfectly good mirror, so my husband had stored it in his shop for me until I found a place for it. So the mirror cost me nothing.
Keep your eye out for the faux fur blanket. It was falling apart as a blanket, so I repurposed it. Which you will see in later pictures.. |
I wish the picture did these justice. They are gorgeous in real life. |
I got a set of ornate vintage light switch and electrical outlet covers for $20. But I thought they were missing something, so I painted some of the filigree antique gold.
And then pandemic and quarantine happened and I stopped working on the room. Even though I only had the trim around the closet and putting away the items on the bed left to complete.
I did, however, decide to try to raise my spirits during quarantine by making my own version of a Gerda Wegener painting.
I didn't have a large canvas, but I did have six small square canvases that I had got for $7.00. So I spaced them as one large canvas, changed some of the color schemes to match my room better and began creating.
The painting as a work in progress.The painting completed. |
The original and then mine. I'm no Gerda, but I still like it. |
And then for months.... NOTHING. I did nothing. I pretended that the room didn't exist.
But, last weekend, I decided my "one thing" would be to finish painting the closet trim.
And because I had to wait for it to dry, I put away the items on the bed.
Then I hung the curtains and started decorating and, before I knew, the rooms was done!
The sheepskin rug on the floor, that's the faux fur blanket that was on the bed in the previous picture.And so is the sheep skin rug on the opposite side of the bed.
The feather fans I got for $1.00 each at the theatre a few years ago and had hidden in a closet. The plan, at the time, was to bling up the handles a little bit, and I probably will still do that once I figure out how I want to bling them, but for now they go on the wall for a touch of glamour. (I was going to try to be a toned down Dita von Teese for Halloween one year.)
For those of you who were wondering, I got the rug on clearance on eBay for $25
The Closet curtains were $10.
The mirror accent night stand came out of my craft room to make space for my sewing table, so I already had it.
The bird painting was one I had done for the original room and I thought it worked in the new room.
For those of you wondering about the artwork by the Gerda painting. No, I did not paint those. Those are images taken out of an eight year old calendar that I kept because I liked the artwork. To frame them, I used two of the frames that were previously in the room, but I spray painted them antique gold. (It was some spray paint I had left over from spray painting pine cones for Christmas one year.) Then to "matte" them I used the same wallpaper matte that I used for the other photos, but this time I painted them metallic turquoise with some of the paint left from the wall.
The grey rabbit throw I purchased for $15 and then lined with a silk sari throw rug that my dog had chewed a hole in, and I had saved thinking I could use it to make pillows.
And I decided I needed a touch more silver blue on the bedding to match the curtains and the rug more strongly and I got those pillows on clearance at Marshall's for $20.
I did this before I saw the Vargas picture, but don't you think the trees look similar? |
The decorations by the closet are baskets that I was already using to hold my tights and some sweaters.
In the vase are floral bead things that I purchased for Mardi Gras about two years ago for a center piece at a ball.
The vase someone was throwing away and I asked if I could have it.
The branches came from my yard and the birds I use for different mantle piece "scenes" I do throughout the year. So that little area cost me nothing except a walk around my house.
Then there were the 1930s vintage lamps.
I was still in budget, so I splurged and spent $40 for the pair of these lamps that were still in working order and that I love!
And I accomplished this simply because of deciding to do "one thing" that then cascaded into finishing a big thing without me even thinking about it.
I adore this room. Since I basically use it like a closet, my husband teases me and says that it is one of the fanciest closets he has ever seen. Although not all of it is glamorous. I mean, I am using it like a closet. I thought about hiding those pictures from you, but then I thought, how fair is that?
Yup, that is a basket holding shoes that didn't make it into the closet or the shoe rack.The rod is a towel rod that I put shower rings that have the clips on on them and I have put my scarves through the rings and the clips hold my hats and belts. Not very swanky I know, and if my closet was big enough to hold it that is where it would reside. But it isn't.
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