Wooh, have I had a busy week-end. This week-end has been a mostly work week-end for me, so I decided that today would be a do-nothing-Sunday. On do-nothing Sunday's, I don't even like leaving my house, so I am always in search of things that I can do that don't involve leaving my house and, preferably cost me little, to no money, to do. In fact, if I can do it in bed, in my pajamas, surrounded by my puppies it is perfect.
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I did not stay all day in pajamas, although I assure you, it wasn't from lack of trying. |
As those of you who read my blog are probably already aware, I love vintage things, especially vintage fashion and decorating, but I also have other vintage interests including movies, books and art. So, I thought that I would share some of my favorite FREE vintage themed things for you to enjoy so that you too can have a do-nothing Sunday.
To Watch
By now, everyone has heard of YouTube. You go there to get free videos of cats playing piano or to watch a plethora of cute French Bulldog videos. It is also a wonderful place to get tutorials on how to create vintage hairstyles, make-up looks and crafts. But it is also the place where independent film makers can post their movies.
Hedges Pictures
http://hedgespictures.com/home.html |
I have a friend who creates many independent films under his film label of Hedges Pictures, some of which he has actually allowed me the privilege to act in. Recently he decided to take up a forty-eight hour challenge. For those of you who don't know what that is, a forty-eight hour challenge is when you create an entire movie, from writing, filming, to editing in 48 hours. It's not near as easy at it may sound and I think he came up with one of the funniest films I have seen in a long time.
Purposefully bad/kitschy, the movie, called It Came from Somewhere, is about 15 minutes long and is a spoof on the B-rated alien/monster movies that were created in the 1950's. (I am in this one, you'll recognize me by the green hair. My husband is also in it, he plays the general. Sigh...... I just love a man in uniform.)
Another movie that I love by him is the romantic comedy he filmed entitled Must Love Board Games. Although you don't have to know alot of the new classic board games that gamers love to play, it helps. I watch this movie to get my fix on a romantic movie with unexpected and REAL characters that I find I can relate to. (I am also an extra that you can't see in this. I do not have green hair in this film.)
If you would like to see other films by Hedges Pictures, you can click on his website. (I have included a link to the site below the picture of his logo.) I also love both of his Taylor Swift Stalker movies. (Trust me, they're not as creepy as they sound.)
In keeping with free things that you can watch, sometimes vintage, I love me a documentary. Especially if it is a historical documentary. A great site to go to for free documentaries is http://documentaryheaven.com/.This site has full documentary movies on variety of subjects. I like to go to the history category but there are several others to choose from, right now I want to watch Italy's Mystery Mummies and the Victorian Way of Death.
To Listen To
I did not bother to put anything musical here because, quite frankly, that is what the radio is for, but I do want to let you know about some podcasts that I think are worth the time to listen to.
Dorque Podcast
Since I have already shamelessly plugged a movie that I am in, I thought I would shamelessly plug my husband's podcast - which I am almost never in but I have had guest appearances-- and a little nepotism can be a good thing. In his podcast my husband and his friend James just sit down and discuss all things Dorque together. Since both of them are stand-up comics, it can make for some pretty funny listening.https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dorque-podcast/id737962013?mt=2
You Must Remember This Podcast
In going back to things that are vintage, one of my favorite podcasts is http://www.youmustrememberthispodcast.com.
This podcast is full of historical information about old time Hollywood - especially the stuff that Hollywood wanted to keep secret. It also tells forgotten tales that should never have been forgotten. It has all the guilty pleasures of reading a National Enquirer with none of the guilt because ITS HISTORY!!! And that's educational right? Even when it is scandalous. I have to admit, that I am a little obsessed by the series called Dead Blondes. Again, it is not as oogie as it sounds. The dead blondes series covers the lives and deaths of famous blondes such as Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Peg Entwistle and is an entertaining way to spend some of your Sunday afternoon.
Below is a link to the Peg Entwistle podcast.
To Read
The next one I am about to tell you about you have to be a subscriber to in order to get the free stuff.
If you sign up for this site, it will send you a daily e-mail that will let you know books that are available for a very low price and, usually, at least, one book per day that is free. There are several ways that these books are available, but I have a Kindle so I only have experienced the books available for the Kindle. When you sign up for this site it has you take a small quiz so that it can know what type of books you are interested in reading: mystery, romance, biographies, etc. Once you are done filling out the information you will start receiving daily e-mails for books that are in your interests that are on sale or free. I have actually learned about quite a few new authors that I now love by getting some of their books that have been available for free that I never would have known without this site.To sign up go to Google and look up Bookbub. (For some reason, it won't let me link that and save it in my blog, so sorry there is no link.)
Free Art
Decorating can be expensive, especially when it comes to purchasing art for your walls. I personally like my art to look a little vintage and a little pop-arty. For a couple of sites where you can get that type of art for the can't beat price of FREE try the following websites.
This site has fun prints, many of them with a vintage flair or style, especially if you are into that mid-century vibe.
I think this site the name gives the only explanation that you really need. But, for those of you who still aren't sure, this site contains free vintage posters that you can print or just look at - rather like an art gallery on your laptop.
Well, that is it for my free things that you can do on a Sunday post. I may make it a regular feature, who knows - we'll see how I feel and if I find any more awesome free things.